America MG - Guarani 08/09/2024 Predictions, Preview, Live Score


The match between America MG and Guarani will take place at Mineirão on 08.09.2024 at 21:30. This is round number 25 of the Serie B. America MG is currently in 8th position with 35 points from 24 matches, with a form of L-L-D-D-W. Guarani stands at 20th position with 21 points from 23 matches, with a form of W-D-W-W-L.

In the last 5 matches between America MG and Guarani, America MG won 4 matches and there was 1 draw. The last match was in May 2024, ending 1:2 in favor of America MG.

America MG vs. Guarani head-to-head Goal Comparison

America MG scored 19 goals at home (70% of their total 27 goals) and conceded 7 (35% of their total 20 goals). They average 1.58 goals scored and 0.58 goals conceded per home game, ranking 7th and shared 4th respectively.

Guarani scored 10 goals away (40% of their total 25 goals) and conceded 19 (58% of their total 33 goals). They average 1 goal scored and 1.9 goals conceded per away game, ranking 7th and 15th respectively.

In the last 9 encounters, 5 matches had 1 or no goals, 3 had 2-3 goals, and 1 had 4+ goals. The most common number of goals was 1, occurring 3 times. America MG had a shot effectivity of 22.22%, while Guarani had 9.52%. America MG scored 1.33 goals per game, 0.21 more than their season average. Guarani scored 0.44 goals per game, 0.65 less than their season average.

America MG's top scorer is Fabio Augusto Luciano da Silva with 6 goals, ranking 8th in the league. Guarani's top scorer is Caio Dantas with 9 goals, ranking 1st in the league.

Teams Performance Metrics

- America MG have lost only 5 out of 24 matches this season so far. It is the lowest number of losses in the league. There is one other team with the same record: Novorizontino.

- America MG have received the lowest number of red cards this season so far. In 24 matches, they have received only 1 red cards (the league average is 3.9 red cards). There is one other team with the same record: Vila Nova FC.

- Guarani belongs to the 3 worst teams in the league in terms of wins. They have won only 5 out of 23 matches this season so far.


- America MG did not lose any of their last 9 matches against Guarani.

- Guarani did not win 10 out of last 11 away matches this season so far.

- America MG did not lose any of their last 12 home matches this season so far.

Betting Tips

- In the last 9 matches Guarani never scored 3 and more goals against America MG.

- In only 1 of the last 9 head-to-head matches Guarani scored at least one goal in 2nd half.

- In 6 of the last 9 head-to-head matches when America MG scored at least one goal, they won the match.

- At least 2 goals in total (over 1.5).

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