Ponte Preta - Chapecoense-SC 10/09/2024 Predictions, Preview, Live Score


The match between Ponte Preta and Chapecoense-SC will take place at Estádio Moisés Lucarelli in Campinas. The game is scheduled for 10.09.2024 at 00:30, marking round 25 of the Serie B. Ponte Preta is currently 13th with 29 points from 24 matches, showing a form of D-L-L-D-D. Chapecoense-SC stands 19th with 22 points from 24 matches, with a form of D-D-D-L-L.

In the last 5 head-to-head matches, Ponte Preta won 1, Chapecoense-SC won 1, and there were 3 draws. Their last encounter in May 2024 ended in a 0:0 draw.

Ponte Preta vs. Chapecoense-SC head-to-head Goal Comparison

Ponte Preta scored 21 goals at home (75% of their total 28 goals) and conceded 10 (33% of their total 30 goals). They average 1.91 goals scored and 0.91 goals conceded per home game, ranking 3rd in goals scored and 12th in goals conceded at home.

Chapecoense-SC scored 6 goals away (38% of their total 16 goals) and conceded 10 (40% of their total 25 goals). They average 0.5 goals scored and 0.83 goals conceded per away game, ranking 19th in goals scored and 4th in goals conceded away.

In the last 10 head-to-head matches, 5 had none or one goal, 2 had 2 or 3 goals, and 3 had 4 or more goals. The most common number of goals was 1, occurring 3 times. Ponte Preta had a shot effectivity of 7.29% (7 goals from 96 attempts), while Chapecoense-SC had 15.15% (15 goals from 99 attempts). Ponte Preta scored 0.7 goals per game, 0.47 less than their season average of 1.17. Chapecoense-SC scored 1.5 goals per game, 0.83 more than their season average of 0.67.

Ponte Preta's top scorer Jeferson Marinho dos Santos is ranked 6th in the league with 7 goals. Chapecoense-SC's top scorer Mario Sergio Pereira Junior has 5 goals but is not in the league's top 10 scorers.

Teams Performance Metrics

- Chapecoense-SC have scored the lowest number of goals this season so far. In 24 matches they have scored only 16 goals (the league average is 25.1 goals scored). That is 0.7 goals per match. There is one other team with the same record: Brusque.

- Ponte Preta have received the highest number of yellow cards this season so far. In 24 matches, they have received 77 yellow cards (the league average is 64.2 yellow cards). That is 3.2 yellow cards per match.

- Chapecoense-SC is the worst team in the league in terms of wins. They have won only 4 out of 24 matches this season so far. There is one other team with the same record: Brusque.


- Ponte Preta did not win 7 out of last 8 matches against Chapecoense-SC.

- Chapecoense-SC did not win any of their last 10 matches this season so far.

- Ponte Preta scored in 10 out of last 11 home matches this season so far.

Betting Tips

- In the last 10 matches Ponte Preta vs. Chapecoense-SC it never happened that both teams scored at least one goal in both halves.

- In only 2 of the last 10 head-to-head matches Chapecoense-SC scored at least one goal in both halves.

- In only 1 of the last 10 head-to-head matches Ponte Preta scored 3 and more goals.

- At most 4 goals in total (under 4.5).

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