Werder Bremen - Bayern Munich 21/09/2024 Predictions, Preview, Live Score


The match between Werder Bremen and Bayern Munich will take place at Weserstadion on 21.09.2024 at 13:30. This is the 4th round of the Bundesliga. Werder Bremen is currently 8th with 5 points from 3 matches (W-D-D). Bayern Munich is 1st with 9 points from 3 matches (W-W-W).

In the last 5 matches between Werder Bremen and Bayern Munich, Werder Bremen won 1 match and Bayern Munich won 4 matches. The last match was in January 2024, ending 0:1 in favor of Bayern Munich.

Werder Bremen vs. Bayern Munich head-to-head Goal Comparison

Werder Bremen scored 0 goals at home (0% of their total 4 goals) and conceded 0 (0% of their total 3 goals). They average 0 goals scored and 0 goals conceded per home game, ranking 16th in goals scored and 1st in goals conceded at home.

Bayern Munich scored 9 goals away (82% of their total 11 goals) and conceded 3 (100% of their total 3 goals). They average 4.5 goals scored and 1.5 goals conceded per away game, ranking 1st in goals scored and 10th in goals conceded away.

In the last 10 encounters, 3 matches had 1 goal, 2 had 2-3 goals, and 5 had 4+ goals. The most common number of goals was 1, occurring 3 times. Werder Bremen scored 0.8 goals per game, less than their season average of 1.33. Bayern Munich scored 2.7 goals per game, less than their season average of 3.67.

Werder Bremen top scorers are Marvin Ducksch, Justin Njinmah, Derrick Kohn, and Felix Agu with 1 goal each. Bayern Munich top scorer is Harry Kane with 4 goals, leading the league.

Teams Performance Metrics

- Bayern Munich have scored the highest number of goals this season so far. In 3 matches they have already scored 11 goals (the league average is 5.1 goals scored). That is 3.7 goals per match.

- Werder Bremen is one of the TOP 3 teams in the league in terms of losses this season so far. They have lost only 0 out of 3 matches this season.

- Werder Bremen have the lowest number of goal attempts this season so far. In 3 matches they have attempted to score only in 28 cases (the league average is 41.2 goal attempts). That is 9.3 goal attempts per match.


- Werder Bremen lost all of their last 10 home matches against Bayern Munich.

- Bayern Munich won all of their last 3 matches this season so far.

- Bayern Munich scored in all of their last 10 away matches against Werder Bremen.

Betting Tips

- In the last 10 matches Werder Bremen vs. Bayern Munich it never happened that both teams scored at least one goal in both halves.

- In the last 10 matches Werder Bremen never scored 3 and more goals against Bayern Munich.

- In only 1 of the last 10 head-to-head matches when Werder Bremen scored at least one goal, they won the match.

- At least 4 goals in total (over 3.5).

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